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Registration Processes and Helpful Hints

The information below is not a substitute source of those university policies that govern EKU students. All students are held to university policies and procedures specified in the University catalog.

Adding and Dropping Courses

Official verification that a student is “Registered” “Dropped” or “Withdrawn” from a class is found at myEKU/Registration/Register for Classes and listed under ACTION.

Audit A Course

Any course taken as audit will not count as progress toward any EKU degree. Students are charged standard tuition and fees for audited courses. Not all courses are approved for audit. If you wish to audit a course, you must obtain the Audit Form from the Office of the Registrar (Whitlock 239) or extended campus centers. This office will first verify that the desired course is approved for audit. The student returns the completed form to the Registrar’s office. See the calendar and dates table for the deadline for requesting to audit a class.

Business Courses

Students who enroll in upper-division Business courses and who do not meet the eligibility requirements as outlined in the university catalog are subject to having their enrollments in such courses canceled by action of the Associate Dean of the College, without notice, at any time during the term. All students wishing to enroll in a 300 or 400 level Business course should first refer to the university catalog for College of Business and Technology course policies.

Cancelled Courses

Courses may be cancelled before the semester begins and students will be administratively dropped from the course. This enrollment change will be reflected on the Add/Drop page by credit hours becoming “0.0”, and there will be a message in the “Status” column. Course cancellations are the sole decision of the academic department offering the course and any and all questions about the course cancellation should be directed to the department chair. Students enrolled in classes that are cancelled will be contacted by the department office staff. Students should recheck their registration by accessing their student schedule on myEKU often to verify that they have not been dropped from any classes! Do not assume that once you register nothing will change! 

Concurrent Undergraduate/Graduate Course Work

Any undergraduate student wishing to take graduate classes must comply with policies presented in the Graduate Catalog for Undergraduate Concurrent Admissions (Undergraduates needing 30 or fewer credit hours to complete all requirements of their baccalaureate degree and must seek permission from the Graduate School). However, Undergraduate honors admission to Graduate School allows students who meet certain requirements to begin graduate studies while completing undergraduate degrees. Students seeking further information are suggested to contact the Graduate School, Whitlock 310 (859-622-1742), or see the Graduate Catalog for details.

Cooperative Education

Students enrolling in Cooperative Education courses must see their advisor and the college faculty co-op coordinator to ensure compliance with college policies. A student cannot register online for Co-op sections; students must obtain formal approval from the Office of Cooperative Education, Whitlock 455. The Co-op Office then arranges for the student to be registered into the appropriate course section.

Change of Major

Dropped Courses Vs. Withdrawn Courses

Courses “dropped” during the Add/Drop period will not appear on your academic record (transcript). If you drop a course after that date, you are considered to have “withdrawn” from the course and it will appear on your academic record with a notation of “W”. The “W” will NOT be calculated into your grade point average (GPA). The midpoint of a partial-semester class should also appear on the course syllabus, if the date on the course syllabus does not agree with the date found in the Colonel’s Compass the student should bring this discrepancy to the instructor’s attention. Students are held to the dates published in the Colonel’s Compass.

Enrollment Verification

The National Student Clearinghouse (NSCL) is the official agent for all Enrollment Verifications such as those needed for health insurance and loan deferments. ALL Enrollment Verifications are obtained free of charge from the National Student Clearinghouse.

How to generate your free EKU Enrollment Verification.

  1. Log on to your myEKU account.
  2. Select National Student Clearinghouse on the Student Services card
  3. Fill in required information and click Login.
  4. Select Obtain an Enrollment Certificate.
  5. Wait patiently. The certificate will appear.
  6. Print your official enrollment certificate.
  7. Mail or deliver it to whoever requires verification of your enrollment at EKU!

Note: Your computer must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to produce your verification. Use Internet Explorer as your browser.

Exceptions to using National Student Clearinghouse:

  • Good Student Discounts – for this you need to print an official EKU Grade Report from myEKU. Submit this Grade Report as proof that you qualify for the Good Student Discount.
  • Statements of Good Standing (needed when taking courses at another institution; students obtain these from the EKU Registrar’s Office, Whitlock 239. You may download the request form from the Registrar’s web page.

500 Level Courses

500-level courses are intended for seniors. In special circumstances students who will have attained junior status (60-89 hours) by the start of the term may be permitted to enroll in 500-level courses with the approval of the dean of the college offering the course. Students without this permission are not to be admitted to 500-level courses and will be disenrolled by the Office of the Registrar if such enrollments occur.

Graduate Students

Please refer to the Graduate Catalog for complete details of all policies governing graduate students. You may also wish to go to the Graduate School web page.

Course Section Comments

Click below to view an excel sheet and find any important comments on your specific course section (look for the CRN of any course you registered for).

Spring 2023 Course Comments

Fall 2023 Course Comments

Pass/Fail Grade Mode

If a course is approved to be taught as Pass/Fail then a student with 30 earned credit hours plus a minimum GPA of 2.0 may elect to receive a “P” or “F” instead of a standard letter grade. Only free elective courses may be taken as Pass/Fail. The Office of the Registrar will verify whether a course is approved for Pass/Fail. To change to the Pass/Fail grade mode a student must obtain the appropriate form from the Office of the Registrar, SSB 239 or an extended campus center. There is a deadline to being able to elect the Pass/Fail grade mode. Visit the calendar in the Colonel’s Compass for the appropriate deadline.

Pre-Requisite Drops

The Office of the Registrar verifies that each student registered for a course has successfully completed the pre-requisite for that course. Not all courses have pre-requisites. A grade of “I”, “W”, “F”, “U”, “FN”, “UN”, or “NR” does not indicate successful completion and will cause the Registrar’s Office to administratively drop the student out of any course requiring that prerequisite. This is called a “Prerequisite Drop”.

Professional Liability Insurance (PLI)

Students enrolled in a Health Sciences fieldwork course, Special Education, Psychology and EMC students working in a clinical setting are required to purchase professional liability insurance through Eastern Kentucky University.

You may register for PLI in the same manner as registering for other classes. See the PLI section of the online Schedule of Classes on myEKU to find the appropriate PLI section number. Read the comment to verify that you are enrolling in the correct section for your course. This will generate the fee as part of your tuition/fees for the semester. Not registering and not paying the fee for PLI will result in disenrollment from the clinical/fieldwork course(s).

Registration Process

Students register (add, drop, or withdraw from classes) using the online registration system, the myEKU. EKU staff is available to assist students with this system at the following locations: main campus – in the Registrar’s Office –SSB 239, or the Corbin, Danville, or Manchester Centers. Registration questions should be directed to 859-622-2320. Once registered, you may make a change to your schedule at any time while such transactions are permitted. The online system will not allow changes once the deadline has passed. You may add full semester classes to your schedule through the first week of class. After that date, you may only add classes that have not yet begun.

Repeating Courses

Students may repeat a course in an attempt to better their grade. The grade earned in the last taking will replace (in the GPA calculation) the grade earned earlier. Third attempts at the same course will be prevented regardless of whether the student has completed the course or simply withdrawn previously. A student may enroll in the same course for a third or subsequent time only under unusual circumstances and with permission of the dean of their major. The Registrar’s Office monitors student course registrations and will administratively cancel the registration before or during the term, or remove credit after completion of the term, of any student improperly repeating a class.


Verify your ‘Status’ on myEKU. It is incumbent upon the student to regularly check this as the Registrar’s Office may administratively drop or withdraw a student before or during a term for reasons such as course cancellation (decision of academic department offering the course), the student’s failure to fulfill a course prerequisite, or in rare cases a violation of university policy (see university catalog).

Student Load

Fall and Spring Terms

  • Undergraduate – A full-time undergraduate student during Fall or Spring terms enrolls in 12 or more credit hours. A student with superior academic records may petition the dean of their major for permission to take in excess of 18 credit hours, but never more than 21 credit hours. A half-time undergraduate student during Fall or Spring enrolls in 6-11.9 credit hours.
  • Graduate – A full-time graduate student during Fall or Spring terms enrolls in 9 or more credit hours. Half-time status is at between 4.5-8.9 credit hours. A maximum academic load of 15 hours is considered permissible for exceptional graduate students, with dean’s permission. Students are encouraged to not take more than one short term course at a time.

Summer Term

  • Undergraduate – A full-time undergraduate Summer student is 12 credit hours. Half-time status is between 6-11.9 credit hours.
  • Graduate – A full-time graduate Summer student is enrolled in 9 or more credit hours. Half-time status is at between 4.5-8.9 credit hours. Students are encouraged to not take more than one short term course at a time.

Student Teaching

Students who participate in supervised student teaching will be approved and registered separately for the appropriate student-teaching course sections. The details of this process will be explained to students when they see the Director of Professional Laboratory Experience (Combs 425) during the normal advising period.

Withdrawing From A Class Or From The University

Late Registration Fee

A non-refundable $50 late registration fee is in effect beginning the first day of classes. This fee is applied only if the student begins with 0.0 credit hours on the first day of classes and then enrolls for the first time during that day or after.

Office of the Registrar

521 Lancaster Avenue
Whitlock CPO 58, Room 239
Richmond, KY 40475


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